Monday, October 13, 2014

Ed FitzGerald and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad Amanda Bynes retweet

This latest episode finds Ohio Democrat Gubernatorial Ed FitzGerald descending further into punchline territory. Now Ed FitzGerald can belly up to the bar with Anthony Weiner and commiserate about how it was Twitter that wrecked their political career, not that thing swinging between their legs. Here's the really important paragraph:

One thing to keep in mind about Twitter and politics: The politicians themselves rarely control their Twitter accounts. Those accounts usually end up in the hands of aides, who often keep personal accounts, too.

Keep in mind also that everyone serious has left the FitzGerald campaign at this point and what is left is the B-team. So there was a B-team aide taking care of FitzGerald's twitter messaging and he/she decides to favorite a tweet by Amanda Bynes, but he/she accidentally faves it as Ed FitzGerald. What is the content of the tweet? Is it "Legalize pot NOW!"? Is it "My dad put a microchip in my brain"? No. Try "Help a n*gga out and hop off ma d*ck". So that fits in perfectly with the booty call theme of the Ed FitzGerald campaign. (Nota: Amanda Bynes is rich white woman, but I suppose because she's a rapper she gets to be an honorary n*gga as well as use the word with impunity. I suppose she gets a honorary d*ck, too, as part of the deal....)

I hereby offer $10 to anyone who can identify this B-team re-tweeter. I'd love to do an interview, or at least go to their house and peak in the windows.* Maybe I'll do some real journalism a la Jason Matera.

Tom Suddes wrote today that "This could be the year Ohio Democrats hit bottom". But this is the modern-day Democrat party, Tom. I don't think there is a bottom.

* - Not really.

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