Thursday, May 22, 2014


Straight from Miskatonic U. (not to be confused with Wossamotta U.), proof that hooking up the jumper cables to Sis's rotting earlobes is always worth a shot at another tinkle of paperback sales.

When The Dead Come For You

Read the whole thing, or, you know, just take my word for it and spare yourself another episode of this banal little horror show.


  1. Of course, we never remember those times that we have dreams about our dead loved ones and no one dies the next day.

    1. Entirely off topic, but I thought you might be interested, Pik: Bob Gates picked to head the BSA.

    2. Actually, I now stand corrected after his comments yesterday.

  2. Oh, good effing grief. I have dreams featuring my dead grandparents all the time, plus other people I've known who have died. This is all so much TV schlock.

    If I make it to heaven and see my maternal grandfather looking "real peaceful" like some kind of "iconic spiritual being" I'm going to say "What the hell is wrong with you?" He spent all of his life either working like a madman, laughing his ass off or yelling at people in his family.

    God doesn't cut your balls off in heaven. Dreher is turning more and more into a cross between Michael Landon and Oprah.

    1. I think Dreher's laying the groundwork for the day when nothing he writes sells anymore and he decides to don the babushka for good and read palms for a living in classic south Louisiana style. As "Sister Huîtres", maybe. Looking something like this.

  3. Check out this comment:

    I have not had a vivid experience of this type, but something more subtle. A few hours after my father died (I knew he had died but he lived far away), I had a sense he was watching my husband and me in our living room. My husband was frustrated about something, I think related to last-minute travel arrangements for the funeral. He swore, and I was mortified. My father never swore, and I was embarrassed for him to see my husband swear.

    Anyway, a few weeks later, my husband told me that he kind of had the sense that my Dad was watching us at that time, too. I hadn’t told him that I had had that feeling, so his disclosure was news to me. Because the experience was subtle, I had previously just chalked it up to my grief. Now, I am not so sure.

    (Must resist making remarks about the bedroom here. This woman's husband has it hard enough.)

    This also reminds me of the scene at the end of Happy Gilmore where he looks up into heaven and sees his friend with Abraham Lincoln and the alligator he killed in the water trap at the golf course, all three waving down at him.

  4. Horribly bullied Rod Dreher makes international public fun of a random little girl. Not the brightest move for someone who has already laid down a massive internet chronicle of the personal mental problems of his own children.

    There's just something small and fecal and foul about this man that reaches out and stains people who have never done anything to him.

    1. Eliana gets it:

      This little girl is real and her parents chose to give her a name which stands out; way, way out. She’s completing pre-school and her parents love her.

      So???? To do a whole Public Snickering Post, complete with the child’s photo and last name, and including speculation about how she’ll
      probably become a porn star or something seems to me to be in extremely bad taste and not at all what would generally be considered to be Christian, in the best sense of that word.

      Why create such a post???
      I’m sorry, but It seems utterly
      pointless, except to make fun
      of people.

      Dante isn't going to save him; nothing will. Sometimes parents just birth defective things, as Ray, Dorothy, and Ruthie Dreher and most of West Feliciana Parish, LA recognized long ago. It will just continue to flop around like the broken, defective thing it is, casually harming innocents, until it finally dies.

    2. My question is why did TAC even allow this stuff?

      I guess nobody there is capable, or has the good sense, to exercise editorial oversight to prevent such tasteless stuff getting published beneath their banner.

      I think that at the least TAC ought to be embarrassed.

    3. Keith can apply the proper psycho-diagnosis, but I find it interesting that Dreher chooses to make fun of someone doing the very thing that he does every day for a living -- pretentious "white people" showing off over things that have little significance to anyone other than those immediately concerned. Dreher does it every day regarding French food/drink/buildings/films, among other things, but finds it distasteful when done over a little girl.

      At least the little girl is a human being.

    4. Pik, you yourself have already offered the proper psycho-diagnosis elsewhere: there's just no bully as vicious as a middle-aged whiner still whining about having been bullied as a child, disrespected by his family, not understood (ie unquestionably accepted) by others, bab, bab. bab, bab, bab...

      A little girl is unlikely to kick in his front door unpredictably and punch his lights out the way a Muslim might, which is probably one reason his blogging has shifted to the effete topics you listed and to limp-wristed remonstrations against gays and those of less "masculine" religions, and probably the real reason he moved back home to be near Mom and Dad. As long as Mom and Dad are alive, they and the public officials they know won't let any pissed off six-year-old girls get near their little baby boy and rudely give him a wedgie or worse.
